IAME Engines Australian importer Remo Racing has confirmed that the new 22mm Exhaust Restrictor to be used in the IAME KA100 engine for the KA3 Junior Classes is now available.
Karting Australia understands that many Competitors may want to use the 22mm Restrictor as soon as they are available to them through their local retailer.
The 22mm Exhaust Restrictor is able to be used for Social Karting Activities ONLY until January 1, 2023 when they will also become eligible for Competition.
Listed below are relevant extracts from the KA3 Class Rules for 2023.
2 Age
a) Junior
(i)Minimum Age: Year of 12th birthday
(ii) Maximum Age: Date of 16th birthday
4 Licence Requirements
a) Junior
(i) National Level Events: A Driver must hold a Minimum C Grade Junior licence
(ii) All other Competitions: A Driver must hold a Junior licence
5 Chassis
a) Must comply with the Rules
b) No Class specific conditions
6 Drivetrain
d) Exhaust
(ii) Restrictor
1) Junior: 22mm Type 3 IAME KA100 Restrictor in accordance with the Homologation
2) Senior: Unrestricted in accordance with the Homologation
9 General
a) Weight
(i) Minimum weight including the Driver
1) KA3 Junior – Championship: 137kg
2) KA3 Junior Light: 132kg
3) KA3 Junior Heavy: 150kg
The complete 2023 National Competition Rules will be available in the coming weeks.