V8 Supercar Champion James Courtney (pictured with his five year-old daughter Zara) fully supports the KIDS Education Program (Pic: AF Images/Budd)

The Australian Karting Association has launched a new KIDS (Karting Improves Driving Skills) education program at the opening round of the CIK Stars of Karting Series in Ipswich, Queensland today.

The KIDS program will see youngsters aged between five and seven years take to the circuit aboard specifically designed karts to assist with the early development of their driving skills.

The KIDS program will not be a competitive form of karting but purely focused on a learning experience for the youngsters. A Honda GX35 engine, producing approximately 1.5hp, and reaching a maximum speed of 20km/h, will power the karts.

“In today’s day and age, road safety is one of the most important factors that is affecting our communities across the country. The Association is continually recognising this and believe the earlier that we can teach children the basics of car control and driving techniques the better,” said Australian Karting Association National President Craig Denton.

“Our youngest current members, who can start racing at the age of seven, learn respect for road safety and the potential consequences very quickly in a controlled environment. This education assist them for when they are old enough to obtain their road licence – the KIDS program will take this tutelage to another level.

“When you look at activities like swimming, we teach our kids about water safety at a very young age and it helps them later in life when they are around the swimming pools, ocean, rivers, waves and rips. The KIDS program is in a similar vain while teaching children about the importance of road safety rather than water safety.

The young drivers will use a Honda GX35 engine reaching speeds of 20 km/h (Pic: AF Images/Budd)

“The program will be run in conjunction with strict guidelines and criteria where accredited personnel will share their knowledge to help educate the young drivers on safe driving techniques.”

V8 Supercar Champion James Courtney, who’s first drove a kart at the age of seven, fully supports the KIDS initiative by the Association.

“Everything I learnt as a youngster has set me up for where I am today. Whether that be swimming lessons, riding a bike, driving a kart – the earlier I was able to start doing whatever it was, the better,” said Courtney.

“While I’ve been fortunate enough to make a career out of motor racing, that is not the most important aspect for the majority of kids. It’s a case of learning about driving in a safe and controlled environment and respecting the road rules along with other people who you’re driving alongside.

“I’ve now got two young children of my own, they’re both at the age where they are starting to talk about different sports and it’s great that we can now put karting into their list of the things they might like to do – and learn a lot in the process.”

The KIDS education program will begin at selected karting venues across the country in the coming months.

Technical specifications of a kart used in the KIDS Education Program

All karts will be fitted with a treaded Dunlop tyre (Pic: AF Images/Budd)

Engine: Honda GX35, must be fitted with a kill switch located on the steering wheel
Maximum Speed: 20 km/h
Tyres: Dunlop KT6SLW1
Chassis: Steel or chrome-moly tubing
Chassis Registration: To participate, all chassis must have the approved KIDS chassis registration seal affixed to the main chassis rail of the kart. These seals will be able to be purchased from Kart Shops or the Association’s State Offices.
Wheel Base: 740mm – 860mm
Rear Track Width: Maximum 1100mm
Wheels: Metallic construction – 10”X4.5” or 10”X5” in size
Brakes: Hydraulic or Mechanical
Body work: Compulsory nosecone, nassau panel and side pods
Rear Bumper: Must cover the full track width and be of a plastic construction
Protective equipment: Racing helmet, one piece racing suit, gloves and shoes to provide adequate protection of the ankles.
Other: All Data collection, Communication and Telemetry is prohibited