The licence figures within the Australian Karting Association match the slight decline in participation rates that were released recently, with a decline of 3% nationally.

With a total of 7,465 members across the country as of March 31, 2013 the membership remains well above the figure of 7,049 recorded at the end of 2011. It also sees the increase from the end of the 2009 calendar year to be a 27% increase across a four-year period.

In years past, it has been evident that the state hosting the National Championships has experienced a significant increase in licence holders surrounding the event, however, this doesn’t appear to be the case as yet in South Australia.

Victoria and Queensland appear to have benefited from strong local events with a minimal decline in their membership bases. The Northern Territory’s late start to the year, and the ‘Nationals Hangover effect’ appears to have affected the small base of licence holders in the Top End.

The full licence numbers, based on a rolling 12 months until to March 31, 2013 can be found below

N = New Licence
R = Renewal
L R = Late Renewal

April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013

Class N R L R  TOTAL
Cadet 51 93 4 148
E Practice 448 175 81 704
Endurance 24 55 20 99
F School 3 0 0 3
JMax 1 13 0 14
Junior 41 158 10 209
Junior Clubman 0 9 0 9
Junior Performance 0 14 1 15
Rookie 24 81 3 108
Senior 165 761 267 1193
TOTAL 757 1359 386 2502
Difference -128
Percentage -4.9%
Class N R L R  TOTAL
Cadet 51 82 1 134
E Practice 129 14 0 143
JMax 0 2 0 2
Junior 45 152 0 197
Junior Clubman 0 3 0 3
Rookie 30 73 1 104
Senior 257 744 12 1013
Vintage 3 11 2 16
TOTAL 515 1081 16 1612
Difference -23
Percentage -1.4%
Class N R L R  TOTAL
Cadet 65 68 4 137
E Practice 118 47 1 166
Endurance 1 0 1 2
JMax 0 12 0 12
Junior 49 124 10 183
Junior Clubman 0 0 1 1
Junior Performance 0 2 0 2
Junior Practice Upgrade 1 0 0 1
Rookie 30 51 8 89
Senior 308 597 110 1015
TOTAL 572 901 135 1608
Difference -22
Percentage -1.3%
Class N R L R  TOTAL
Cadet 8 27 1 36
E Practice 44 12 4 60
JMax 0 1 0 1
Junior 9 30 2 41
Junior International 0 1 0 1
Rookie 4 19 0 23
Senior 64 141 34 239
Vintage 0 0 1 1
TOTAL 129 231 42 402
Difference -17
Percentage -4.1%
Class N R L R  TOTAL
Cadet 47 56 3 106
E Practice 21 5 0 26
Junior 30 82 9 121
Junior Clubman 0 30 0 30
Rookie 23 43 2 68
Senior 182 348 118 648
Single Event 3 2 0 5
Vintage 2 11 0 13
TOTAL 308 577 132 1017
Difference -22
Percentage -2.1%
Cadet 4 5 1 10
E Practice 7 0 1 8
JMax 0 1 0 1
Junior 2 9 1 12
Rookie 0 3 0 3
Senior 10 17 3 30
Vintage 1 0 0 1
TOTAL 24 35 6 65
Difference -31
Percentage -32.3%
Class N R L R
Cadet 8 11 0 19
E Practice 15 5 0 20
JMax 0 1 0 1
Junior 2 28 0 30
Junior Clubman 1 1 0 2
Rookie 2 12 0 14
Senior 18 145 0 163
Single Event 0 6 0 6
Vintage 0 4 0 4
TOTAL 46 213 0 259
Difference -9
Percentage -3.4%
NATIONAL Total No. %
Cadet 590 -31 -5.25
E Practice 1127 -41 -3.64
Endurance 101 -4 -3.96
F School 3 -1 -33.33
Junior 888 -15 -1.69
Rookie 409 5 1.22
Senior 4301 -126 -2.93
Single Event 11 -17 -154.55
Vintage 35 -22 -62.86
 TOTAL 7465 -252 -3.38
W/out practice 6338 -211 -3.22