Loeskow shines bright at the Race Of The Stars – From the News-Mail

SKILL, patience and calm nerves are required to be at the top of motorsport and Troy Loeskow showed all those qualities in coming from last place to win the KF Race of the Stars at the Gold Coast.

A fouled spark plug stopped Loeskow in his tracks and after qualifying fastest the failure nearly halted his charge at the fast Pimpama track.

Loeskow’s father and head mechanic, Alan, changed the plug and left his son on the grid to do what he does best – drive a kart very fast.

He picked his way through the field and was on the tail of leader Brock Plumb with one lap to go. Loeskow tried a move which gave him the chance to drag race Plumb to the line and thanks to an MG engine he had the advantage.

Plumb knew this and turned straight into Loeskow as he made his move and the officials gave Plumb a 10 second penalty, giving the victory Loeskow deserved after a wonderful drive.

With aspirations to drive a V8 Supercar the race was a perfect chance for Loeskow to show is credentials to important people in the sport and his performance at the race is sure to make then take notice.

For an exclusive interview with Loeskow see tomorrow’s NewsMail.