Following discussions with our competitor base and the Southern Go Kart Club, International Karting Distributors (IKD) would like to advise that the upcoming Rotax Pro Tour event at Bolivar Raceway in South Australia has been cancelled.

This will mean the entire 2015 Rotax Pro Tour season will run within the calendar year of 2015.

This decision is not one that has come easily for the team at IKD but we believe it is the most appropriate decision for a successful Series in 2015.

All 2015 Rotax Pro Tour events will feature the new Micro MAX and Mini MAX classes alongside the current classes presenting a new exciting era for the Series and the sport of karting in Australia.

This alteration to the schedule will allow all competitors sufficient time to prepare for the 2015 Rotax Pro Tour.

We look forward to releasing the 2015 Rotax Pro Tour schedule in conjunction with Karting Australia in due course, and remain committed to having the Southern Go-Kart Club host a round of the Series in the future.