SGKC helps Josh Tynan to the World Championships

From Left to Right – Brenda Fortanier (Secretary), Warren Mitchell (Race Sec), Josh Tynan, Jim Lester (President), Deb Lester (Treasurer), Eddy Spear (Vice President) PHOTO – Nick Thompson

Josh started his racing career as a Midget now known as Cadets at Bolivar Raceway in 1997 and has been a member of Southern Go Kart Club since, he has competed against some of the biggest names in Australian karting. Throughout his career he has won several State Championships and his dream has always been to drive for a factory team.

After the official announcement that Josh had secured a drive with the Energy factory team at the KF2 World Finals in France and that he would be funding most of the trip himself the club wanted to help with some form of assistance to get him there. Club President Jim Lester presented Josh with a cheque for a $1,000 at drivers briefing on the Saturday morning of the City of Adelaide Titles.

Josh was overwhelmed by the support of the club and its members and stated “that it meant the world to him and no-one had any idea how much this would help”

The club wishes Josh all the best ….