The closing date for entries into for Round Five of the 2015 Australian Kart Championship to be hosted by the Geelong Kart Club on October 30-November 1 has been extended and now CLOSE TOMORROW TUESDAY OCTOBER 20.
To view the Supplementary Regulations for this event, please click here.
Please log onto Karting Australia’s Competitor Management System (CMS) to enter the event. Remember to select AUSTRALIA as the State and Karting Australia as the Club.
The 2015 Australian Kart Championship Awards Dinner will be held at the Simonds Stadium in Geelong on Sunday November 1. The dress code for this evening is formal – Lounge Suite for males and cocktail dress for females.
The formal evening will see the Australian Kart Champions crowned in each of the classes along with numerous other awards presented – including the prestigious Driver’s Driver of the Year Award.
V8 Supercars commentator, and avid supporter of karting, Chad Neylon will host the evening. All tickets must be pre-purchased prior to Wednesday October 21.
7:30pm Sunday November 1
Captains Room
Simonds Stadium, Geelong
Tickets $65 per head (Children under 12 $25)
Includes a two course meal
Dress Code: Formal (lounge suit for males, cocktail dress for females)
Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.