National Volunteer Week – Ian Watson

Southern Go Kart Club Volunteer Ian Watson

Today, Karting Australia heads to South Australia to recognise a very dedicated volunteer of 10 years, Ian Watson.

Ian holds various roles not only within his club, but also within the Karting South Australian Association as the State Track inspector and the Vice State President and is also a passionate member of the Southern Go Kart Club.

When Ian and his family were looking to find a sport to be associated with, one of his workmates had been karting for a number of years and had explained to me how he and his family had made lifelong friends from karting even after they had left the sport.

So, they went to a come and try day people were very friendly and joined the next week.

Karting Australia asked him what’s the most rewarding part about being a volunteer? “At club level it’s about watching not only your club, but all clubs improve and grow, and helping people to advance in the sport.”

Ian is currently the grounds and Infrastructure manager, track safety officer, conduct inductions and was previously the membership Secretary at Southern Go Kart Club who recently held round Three of the 2021 SP Tools Australian Kart Championship and on club days I am First Aid officer, occasionally a Steward and fill in in the canteen when they need help or do any tasks that need doing.

When asked what has been the most memorable event that he’s been a part of and why, his answer was “AKC this year. It was a big event that the club hadn’t held for a long time and none of the current committee had been involved in an event of that size before. Was very proud to be part of a team that did a great job that highlighted what our club was capable of.”

Across the rest of the week, Karting Australia will shine some light on more of the backbones of our sport, from the Canteen, to technical, Officials and grounds keepers to show we thank them, and everything they do!