As many members would recall, back in early 2012, the AKA embarked on a major initiative to consider future engines that would replace the KT100S and KT100J in the Clubman and National categories (future engine project 1) and the Comer and KT100J engines in the Cadet and Rookie categories (future engine project 2), all run nationally throughout Australia.
The reason or purpose for embarking on such a major initiative was to consider the introduction of new engine technology that would provide the Australian Karting community with engines that offer long life, have a very high degree of parity and remain cost effective to purchase and maintain. Expressions of Interest for the Clubman and National categories and Tender submissions for the Cadet and Rookie categories were sought over the past 12 or so months and the organisation remains committed to delivering on its original objectives.
On 1 September 2013, the sport of karting in Australia enters a new era with a skills based Board of Management replacing the existing AKA Executive and National Karting Council (NKC).
As we are sure you will agree, it is critically important that our new management team are completely satisfied that the future engine projects are able to deliver on their objectives for the Australian karting community, offering fair, fast and reliable technology at the right price for Australian competitors. It is for these reasons that the NKC and the incoming Board of Directors have mutually agreed to temporarily suspend the progress of these projects for up to six (6) months.
Mick Doohan, Chair of the new AKA Board, believes that the future engines project is one of the most important initiatives in the history of karting in Australia.
“As a new team, we are determined to ensure that the best engines are selected. An engine change in these categories is set to be the biggest transformation in Australian karting for many years and we want to ensure that the future engine projects fit within the overall strategic plan for the organisation,” said Doohan.
“The new Board is committed to keeping the karting community regularly updated with our progress on this initiative and all other initiatives as we look to take our sport to a new and exciting level over the coming years.”