Cliffs Natural Resources will be the naming rights sponsor for the 2013 Western Australian State Championships

Karting WA and the Esperance Kart Klub have announced Cliffs Natural Resources will be the naming rights sponsor for the 2013 Western Australian State Championships.

Cliffs Natural Resources mines iron ore at Koolyanobbing, approximately 50km North of Southern Cross. Cliffs ore is transported via rail to Esperance and shipped from the Port of Esperance.

Cliffs Natural Resources Community Relations Officer Toni Hawkins is excited about the prospects of Esperance hosting such a prestigious event and the opportunities it will bring for local competitors and businesses.

“The Esperance Kart Klub applied to us for funding throughout our community fund and we believe the opportunity for local drivers, in particular for local juniors, to compete against the best drivers on their home track is a great one,” said Hawkins.

“It is always very hard for people in regional areas to access high level sport, so we’re delighted to be able to be a part of assisting to bring the State Championships to Esperance. The event will also bring a number of people to town which will help the economic sustainability of Esperance.”

Esperance Kart Klub’s Delcia Hubble welcomed Cliffs Natural Resources on board as the naming rights sponsor.

“To host an event of this magnitude takes a lot of support, not only from within the club but also the local region and we’re delighted to be able to have the support of Cliffs Natural Resources for the event,” said Hubble.

“The State Championships is gearing up to be the biggest ever karting event in Esperance and everyone in the club is working hard to put on the best event possible. We are especially excited to welcome karters to Esperance to compete at our track and hopefully find some time to explore our beautiful town and surrounds.

“Already we’ve had a number of enquires from all across the state regarding the championships and they are shaping up to be huge. As the date comes closer there will certainly be a big buzz around the region for the Cliffs Natural Resources Western Australian Sprint Kart Championships.”

The 2013 championships, which will be the 52nd running of the event in Western Australia, will be hosted by the Esperance Kart Klub on October 4-6.