Manufacturers Cup to be decided at Rotax Nationals

While most drivers will be focussing on the elusive Green plate, or seat at the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals at this weekend’s Rotax Nationals, the manufacturers will also be out to seek their own piece of silverware in Rotax’s Manufacturers Cup.

Since its inception, the Manufacturers Cup has been an extra reward for the extensive brand support that the Rotax Pro Tour receives year round, and its climax will again be reached this weekend.

Exprit Australia’s Ian Black believes the Manufacturers Cup enhances competition and supports the development of the Karts, fundamentally supporting the drivers.

“I think it’s important for manufacturers/importers to stay motivated to further develop and research the ability of their chassis’ to remain competitive. The Manufacturers Cup gives this section of the industry something to strive for to achieve. Achieving good results provides a good avenue for positive marketing for any manufacturer.”

“Overall it’s interesting to be able to see which chassis perform well over the whole season – some do well at particular tracks, some do well in particular weather conditions and some do well because they have engaged talented drivers for research, development and performance. The Manufacturers Cup is an added incentive to support a team across all classes to achieve good results which adds to the overall professionalism of the Rotax Pro Tour,” Black said.

CRG Australia’s Darren King highlights that it’s been a successful year for his brand, and the concept encourages hard work towards strong results.

“I believe it is a good thing as people looking into the sport can look up those stats and base some of their decisions on which kart is out there consistently getting results. I feel the Manufacturer’s Cup makes the team as a whole work harder to achieve a better result and as we are one of the smaller teams it make the result more satisfying. If we were to win the cup our whole team would be part of that victory rather than just the individual drivers that have been on the podium this year.”

“Here at CRG it is important for us to push not only to get the results for the drivers and also as importer to achieve the points in the manufacturers cup .We are proud of where we are sitting in this year’s cup. We are the only team that has a chance to send 3 drivers to the Rotax World Finals: Jason Pringle (DD2), Rick Pringle (Rotax Heavy) and Tyler Greenbury (Rotax Light),” King said.

Tony Kart Australia’s Greg Smith says the Manufacturers Cup allows the brands to set a benchmark for themselves against their opposition.

“The manufacturer’s cup as part of the Rotax Pro Tour is an exciting and important part of the series as a whole. For us we view it as an indicator of the general feeling of the success of Tony Kart in a competitive maker place. It is a Barometer if you like of the job Tony Kart Australia and their dealers are doing in a particular portion of the overall market.”

“The Pro Tour Manufacturers Cup is a race within a race that for any manufacturer representative is a worthwhile prize. The Pro Tour is aimed at individual success, while the Manufacturers Cup is something that is not easily controlled by any team or any brand. This adds to the excitement as it takes many eggs in the right basket to take the prize, Smith said.

Current Manufacturers Cup Points after 7 rounds of Rotax Pro Tour 

Top Ten 
1 – Exprit – 339
2 – Tony Kart – 295
3 – CRG – 278
4 – Energy Kart – 276
5 – Formula K – 202
6 – Arrow – 183
7 – Praga – 123
8 – RK Kart – 107
9 – OK1 – 81
10 – Redspeed – 50

Further information regarding the Manufacturers Cup is available here;