Bonjorno to all our friends,
Once again it has been great to receive all your kind messages overnight.
Well where do we start????? Not a good news day today……….
Qualifying for our team and especially James was gut wrenching and reminded us again of how tough and cruel our sport of go karting can be.
We experienced an as yet unidentified engine problem in the first two practice sessions in the morning causing us to drop way off the pace, getting worse in each practise session.
The way the rules work, at this meeting you have to seize an engine to get a replacement, no such luck for us as our engine would not go gracefully !!!!!
So, with no replacement engine available to us we had to battle through qualifying knowing we stood no chance of making a good time.
To find ourselves qualifying so far back in the field was difficult for us to comprehend and hasn’t been easy for the team to come to grips with yet.
But wait there is more………
The positive news just arrived for us tonight, as I am writing this update the manufacturer and organiser of the event, Rotax, have offered to replace our engine overnight tonight with a new engine!!
Wow. The angels must have been listening on our visit to the Vatican last week!!!
We are now feeling a tad better, although we are going to have to race from a long way back and have a lot of luck to make it through the field in each of the 3 heats in order to avoid the last chance round on Saturday.
James is now pumped with the news of a new engine and in true Anzac style we will be pushing as hard as we can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s all for today, once again thanks to all and we will let you know how we go with the first day of racing heats.
Ciao Ciao