Karting Australia is pleased to extend the opportunity for its Affiliated Clubs to access funding through the Club Development Grants Program. This fund has been established as a cornerstone of Karting Australia’s dedication to promoting membership expansion and fostering enhanced participation within clubs and the broader community.

Karting Australia’s Grants Program stands as a pillar of our commitment to growing membership, championing inclusivity, and inspiring greater female participation and volunteerism across all facets of our sport. Designed to strengthen clubs and drive deeper community engagement, this initiative fuels the passion for karting, ensuring more people – at every level – have the opportunity to get behind the wheel or help our Clubs and be part of the action.

Club Development Grants


The Grants Program is aligned with Karting Australia’s strategic vision.

Clubs are invited to submit proposals for initiatives and events aimed at:

  • bolstering new membership acquisition, participation and retention efforts,
  • fostering greater female representation in karting, and
  • strengthening volunteer recruitment and retention efforts.

Funding is available to all Karting Australia affiliated Clubs. The Grants Program has been created to help clubs grow and develop by supplying funds, which can be used to conduct marketing campaigns, run programs that are ready-to-go and that meet the funding criteria.

There are three different funding areas open to clubs, with projects that fit within each category likely to receive funding. They are:

  • Girls Race Too
  • Volunteer Recruitment and Action Plan Fulfilment
  • New Member Recruitment and Participation Programs

Funding is available to all Karting Australia affiliated clubs. The Club Development Grants Program has been created as a way to help clubs grow and develop by supplying funds, which can be used to conduct marketing campaigns, run programs that are ready-to-go and that meet the funding criteria.

Who Can Apply?

Any Club affiliated with Karting Australia that has NOT in the last 18 months been the recipient of a Development Grant can apply for a Development Grant in this round of applications. The Project for which funding is being sought must be ‘ready-to-go’ within one month of the grant being approved.

Specific Conditions

Girls Race Too Programs: Clubs must have confirmed their GRT Commitment and have a GRT Liaison Officer on their committee/in place.

Volunteer Fulfilment Applicants: must have completed their V-Map and be active in it’s application.

When to Apply?

This round of Grants will open on 24 March and close 20 May 2025.

Important Details


  1. Co-Funding Requirement: It is highly desirable and strongly recommended that State Associations support their Clubs by co-funding their application’s. State Associations and/or third parties should contribute an amount equal to or greater than the funding requested. [Clubs MUST apply to their State Associations for co-funding using the form below].
  2. Acquittal Process: Once the project is completed, clubs must report and provide evidence to Karting Australia in the approved format on how the funds were used.
  3. Recipients: will be required to enter into a simple agreement with Karting Australia prior to receiving grant funding.
  4. Social Media Requirement: If the Grant includes social media advertising, Karting Australia will manage the content creation, strategy, purchase and placement of advertising for each club to ensure maximum value for money and consistent messaging. Clubs must also have a Facebook and Instagram Business Account and support paid advertising by posting KA supplied static or video content.

Elements Of Projects Which Will NOT Be Supported:

  • Purchase of assets (e.g. buildings and vehicles.)
  • Travel  to events.
  • Requests for retrospective funding, where events have commenced or been completed prior to the execution of a Funding Agreement.
  • Operational, administrative and management costs to the organisation (e.g. day-to-day expenses such as rent, gas, electricity and insurance costs.)
  • Salaries or honorariums for staff and volunteers currently employed by the applicant Club.
  • Prize money, trophies, catering and hospitality expenses.
  • Leasing of vehicles trailers and accessories.
  • Canteen/kitchen items (e.g. microwave ovens and cooking equipment.)
  • Non Karting Australia approved apparel including driving suits.
  • Non-participation equipment (e.g. public address systems, banners, videos, sunshades, gazebos, clubroom furniture.)
  • Capital expenditure including but not limited to the purchase of permanent structures (e.g. shade structures, permanent fencing, repair of lighting, ramps and other permanent structures.)

You Should Note:

  • Applications must be received via the online application form.
  • Applications will be assessed by their quality against set criteria rather than on a geographic basis.
  • Applications that have the financial support of their State Association are preferable. State Karting Associations are strongly encouraged to support applications from their affiliated Clubs.
  • Clubs must be affiliated with Karting Australia.
  • Clubs are required to contribute equal to or greater than the amount they are seeking and that is approved in funding from Karting Australia.
  • All Event(s) conducted under the Program MUST operate under a Karting Australia Organising Permit with applicable safety and officiating standards in place.
  • Although Clubs may work in partnership (e.g. 2 or 3 Clubs in a relatively close geographical area) on their project(s), one Club must be designated as the applicant.
  • Applications are to be made prior to the event’s commencement. Retroactive applications will not be accepted.
  • Successful applicants are required to acknowledge Karting Australia’s support

State and Club Financial Assistance Request Form

Application Checklist

Make sure you have the following information ready before starting your online application:

 Project Proposal:

  • What your project is about
  • Goals and what you expect to achieve
  • Detailed timeline for the project
  • How you will evaluate the success of the project

Requested Club/State Association Co-Funding:

  • Complete the co-funding request form and send to your Club and/or State Association requesting a response by a certain date.

Budget Plan:

  • Detailed budget of all costs

Supporting Documents:

  • Club’s marketing plan related to the grant category [example below]
  • Details of planned advertising, location, platform, budget

Club Information:

  • Club’s contact details

Letters of Support:

  • Endorsements: Letters from community leaders, local businesses, or educational institutions supporting the club’s project.
  • Partnership Agreements: Documentation of any partnerships with local organisations for mutual support and promotion.
  • Co-funding: A signed State Association Financial Support Form from State Association confirming their agreement to fund (include amount) the project.
How to Apply?

All applications must be submitted online via the link below: