The National Karting Council (NKC) of the Australian Karting Association (AKA) has passed three significant motions during a Special General Meeting to move to a new management model for the Australian Karting Association.

The passing of the motions now means the AKA will be governed at the top level by a Board of Directors. The Board will consist of five members covering the disciplines of Finance, Administration, Technical, Competition and Marketing & Promotion. From within these five members a Chairman will be elected.

Each of the elected Board Members will have demonstrated skills not only in their area of expertise but also extensive management experience at the senior level. With this excellent skill set the Board will be focusing on the future of our sport, developing and implementing long term strategies for continual growth and ensuring these results are achieved.

The AKA will be appointing a Human Resources firm who specialise in the area of Board Members to undertake the process of seeking applications for the five inaugural Board member positions, reviewing all applications, undertaking the interview process and then making final recommendations to the NKC for their endorsement.

Each of the Board Members will chair a sub – committee covering their elected area of expertise, being Finance, Administration, Technical, Competition and Marketing. All of the Committees members will be nominated by all karters through Clubs and State Karting Councils with final appointment by the Board of Directors.

What this means is that each State or Territory can have representation on every committee ensuring that all concerns from karters to improve and streamline our sport will be discussed and then that Committee will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for their review and endorsement.

The first motion that was passed today will see a new Company known as the ‘Australian Karting Association Ltd’ registered with ASIC, which is the Australian Securities Commission, as a Company Limited by Guarantee.

The second motion ensures the Australian Karting Association Ltd will adopt a Constitution, which is the terms of reference as to how the new company will operate.

The third motion passed means that the new organisation of the Australian Karting Association Ltd will, for up to twelve months, run in parallel with the Australian Karting Association Inc. (the present organisational structure) when at an agreed date the AKA Inc. will be dissolved and wound up and the only governing body will be the new structure of the AKA Ltd.