Australian Karting Association Ltd (Karting Australia) today released the 2018 Annual Report covering its fifth full year of operation since restructuring as a Company Limited by Guarantee.
The 67-page report (viewable by clicking on the image to the right) outlines the progress made by Karting Australia and the challenges faced throughout 2018.
Highlights include:
- The increased focus on Clubs and Grassroots karting including:
- The introduction of 4SS karting – the first Club level only Class introduced into Australian karting for many years;
- Introduction of the SP Tools Club Driver Rankings program with Australian karting’s largest ever prize pool;
- Initiating the Plus 1 Project leading to the Building Better Kart Clubs program and conference series;
- A retained surplus in excess of $2 million for the third consecutive year;
- Exceeding revenue targets for the fifth successive year;
- Increased sponsorship revenue;
- More than $550,000 of AKA’s total ordinary expenditure was spent on development of the sport, to the direct benefit of:
- State Association assistance programs;
- Building Better Kart Clubs programs;
- AKC host Clubs revenue share;
- State Championship support;
- Development and new participant attraction programs;
- Grants programs.
- Continuation of the highly successful Junior Sprockets development program;
The report also highlights the challenges and extraordinary costs incurred as a direct result of the issues that arose in New South Wales karting during the year.
To view the 2018 Annual Report please click here.