Tyre Tenders Opening Soon Karting Australia would like to advise that Open Tenders for the forward supply of Race Tyres for use in Australian...
Updated Australian Karting Manual is now available The Australian Karting Manual has been updated as of June 18, 2015
ROTAX EVO ENGINES ABLE TO BE USED IN ALL KA EVENTS Karting Australia advises that Rotax EVO engines are permitted for use in competition and there is a weight adjustment for...
DRONES, UNMANNED AIRCRAFT PROHIBITED AT KARTING AUSTRALIA EVENTS Karting Australia advises that use of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles poses safety and privacy risks at karting events
EXTRA INCENTIVE TO HEAD TO THE TOP END Karting NT has combined with DPE Kart Technology and Remo Racing to provide extra incentive for competitors heading to next...
APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR 2015 WAMS JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP The Women of Australian Motor Sport committee has opened applications for its annual Junior Development Scholarship (JDS) program
TRI 15-09 Rotax EVO Engines Karting Australia has released a Technical Rule Interpretation on the recently homologated Rotax EVO Engines.
ENTRIES FOR AKC ROUND 3 NOW OPEN Entries are now open for Round Three of the 2015 Australian Kart Championship to be hosted by the Ipswich Kart...
ROTAX EVO ENGINES TO DEBUT AT PRO TOUR ROUND 4 Karting Australia (KA) and International Karting Distributors (IKD) have finalised and released the Homologation Documents for the Rotax EVO Engines
DISCOUNT TRAVEL TO TASMANIA The Spirit of Tasmania has a special offer that applies for the period of the Tasmanian Kart Championship.
VINTAGE KARTING COMMITTEE FORMED Karting Australia has announced the members of the inaugural Vintage Karting Committee
VORTEX MINI ROK HOMOLOGATION FORM UPDATED The Vortex Rok Homologation document has been updated to incorporate a number of clarifications
NT AND TASMANIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS OPENED UP FOR 2015 Karting Australia has confirmed the 2015 Northern Territory and Tasmanian Championships will be open for competitors from all across the...
MATTHEW WALL HANGS UP THE HELMET One of Australian karting’s most accomplished drivers, Matthew Wall, has announced his retirement from top-level racing.
FA KART ARROWS IN FA Kart has closed in on Arrow in the battle for the Karting Australia Manufacturers Championship after Round Two of...