Entries for the opening round of the 2018 Australian Kart Championship in South Australia have exceeded 200 within 24 hours of opening.

All nine classes have attracted significant entries with confirmations received for the February 23-25 event from every State of Australia along with New Zealand, Singapore and America.

The Cadet 12 Class has exceeded track capacity with an over-subscribed format to be implemented, this will also occur at the opening round for the X30 class where more than 40 entries have already been received. These two Classes will have an entry cap of 60 drivers, while all other Classes will have a maximum of 40 entries.

For drivers, who haven’t placed their entries in the system already it is recommended that they log onto Karting Australia’s Competition Management System (CMS) at their earliest convenience to secure their place on the grid.

To view the Supplementary Regulations for the event please click here.