Competitors looking to compete in the 2013 Queensland Open Sprint Kart Championships, to be hosted by the Bundaberg Karting Club on June 28-30, are reminded that entries close THIS FRIDAY (June 7).

All mail entries must be received on, or prior to the closing date, those entering online via the CM:S system through www.karting.net.au are reminded that payment for entry and tyre costs MUST be received by 5pm Friday 7th June 2013.

Entries and payment should be sent to:
Bundaberg Kart Club
2013 Qld State Championships
PO Box 6038
Bundaberg QLD 4670
Email secretary@bundykartclub.com.au
Fax 0741 597 902

Payment for entries must be included with an entry form, entries without payment will be returned – the club DOES NOT have credit card facilities.

The Supplementary Regulations for this event can be viewed by clicking here.