Entries are now open to karters from all states and territories for the 2015 Tasmanian Kart Championship, to be held on November 20th, 21st and 22nd at the Launceston Kart Club, Archerville Raceway, Turners Marsh. Supplementary regulations are now available and can be found at the Karting Tasmania website.
Classes to be contested at the event are: Cadet 9, Cadet 12, Junior National Light, Junior National Heavy , Senior Clubman Light, Senior Clubman Heavy, TaG 125 Light, TaG 125 Heavy, X30 Light, X30 Heavy, Junior Clubman, National Masters, TAS Sportsman – National Pro 2015, and TAS Sportsman – National Super Heavy 2015. TAS –Sportsman Rules available here. Currently Karting Australia has designated two combined classes to comply with the maximum number of classes permitted to be offered at a State Title; however should entries approach track capacity in X30 Light and X30 Heavy; and National Masters and TAS Sportsman – National Super Heavy, an addendum will be issued to separate the classes for the event.
CMS entries are open now with all fully-paid entries received by close of business on 23rd of September going into the early bird prize draw to have their entry fee (excluding tyres) paid for by the Launceston Kart Club.
Friday night will see the official opening of the event, with a food festival featuring local fare and live music coming to the complex from 5 pm to 7:30 pm – all karters, families and officials are invited to join the Launceston Kart Club for this event to taste some local delicacies and meet the competition prior to qualifying for the junior classes and the commencement of racing from Saturday morning.
The Launceston Kart Club looks forward to welcoming karters from around the country to Tasmania for this event!