Covering a vast geographical area, Karting Western Australia delivers exciting racing opportunities throughout the State.
![Karting Western Australia](https://kartingaustralia.mymedia.delivery/960x639/p/o/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/666352817200708817581375203105295714222080n.jpg)
About Karting Western Australia
The association oversees 11 affiliated clubs, each contributing to the sport’s continued success in WA.
Karting Western Australia
If you are already a member of a Karting WA Club, your first contact for all licencing and membership enquiries should be your Club Secretary. Find their contact details by clicking here.
State Secretary
Michelle Lino
Phone: 08 9499 1026
Email: secretary@kartingwa.com.au
Postal address:
285 Tapper Road, Atwell, WA, 6164