
PRACTICE SPIN: Thirteen-year-old Nathan Hadlow spent Sunday morning practicing for the Queensland Sprint Kart Championships next weekend.
WHITSUNDAY go-kart drivers took to the region’s raceway on Sunday to practice for the Queensland Sprint Kart Championships which will kick off next weekend.
Karters from Townville also travelled down for the weekend to practice for the titles which will take place on July 11, 12 and 13.
The state titles will see over 300 karters competing from across the nation with roughly 20 local drivers from the Whitsunday Motosports Club.
President of the Whitsunday kart committee Adam Stroud predicts it’ll be Queensland’s biggest state titles in the last five years.
He is stoked to be holding the titles on home soil.
“It’ll be a good financial boost and for the local economy, it’ll bring about 2000 to the town for the weekend,” he said.
For 13-year-old Kelsey Creek resident Nathan Hadlow practice for his third state championship is going smoothly.
The Whitsunday Motosport Club member said he feels as if he has a home track advantage.
With 38 competitors in his class, Junior National Light, he said the nerves were starting to get to him.
“I’m a bit nervous especially when they’re [the other competitors] all diving up the insides on the first corner,” he said.
Mr Hadlow wants to make the top 10 of his class at the state title event next weekend.
“Hopefully I get a cover on the grid, which goes up to twenty, dad’s hoping [for] the win but I’m aiming for top ten,” he said.
Mr Stroud said the competition will be “as good as it gets.”
Spectators can expect some fierce racing with up to 50 karters, who have won previous national championships, presumed to attend. For more information visit Whitsunday Motosport Club at www. http://www.wmsc.org.au