The weather forecast for the opening round of the Australian Kart Championship Newcastle this weekend predicts very high to extreme temperature conditions.
The Officials of the meeting will monitor conditions throughout each day and if considered necessary will make any changes to the event program that may be required.
Please find following a link to a copy of the CAMS Hydration Awareness Program booklet “Clear To Steer” ( It contains a lot of useful information. PLEASE READ IT.
It will help you to identify the signs of heat illness and provide you with simple, useful tips on how to reduce the onset and effects of heat induced illness.
Parents, Participants and Guardians should be particularly aware of your children while also looking after yourselves.
We will do our best to look after all competitors and officials on the race track but please, whenever possible, make sure that the children in your care stay in the shade, don’t run around and that they do drink plenty of water right throughout the day.
Only suit up for your races just before your time to go out onto the track. At other times wear cool loose fitting clothing, a hat and sunscreen.
Drivers will be given a bottle of water after they exit the track following each race. We will have misting fans in cool down stations in place for Saturday and Sunday.
If you or a child in your care start to exhibit the signs of heat illness go to the first aid staff immediately.
If you are the least bit unsure of your fitness to participate or race then you should make the decision to withdraw from that section of the event and immediately present yourself to the first aid staff.
No person is forced by Karting Australia to participate in any race or session.