Message to all X30 competitors

Remo Racing as X30 class promoter & DPE Kart Technology as MG tyre distributor would
like to inform you of the following important news.

The first five months of 2014 has seen the introduction of the new CIK homologation of
tyres around the world. It is now time to introduce the latest MG yellow F/Z Prime tyre to
the X30 class in Australia.

This tyre will also be introduced into the CIK Stars of Karting Championship from Round Three this weekend.

The new MG Yellow F/Z Prime tyre has not changed in its specification so karters can be
assured of the same performance characteristics that have made this tyre one of the most
popular tyres in the history of karting. The only change is that the tyres now feature a small additional “CIK F/Z Prime” text moulded into the sidewall of the tyre as pictured below

During June we will have limited stocks available which will be adequate to cater for the
CIK Stars of Karting Championship. Then from late June we will have full stocks available.
As of the July 1, 2014 the new tyre can be used in competition, however for the remainder of 2014 the current specification of tyre can also still be used in competition outside of tyre
pooled events. Please note that the first tyre pooled event that will use the new tyre will be
the Queensland state titles held on the 11th to 13th of July.

Yours faithfully,
Remo Luciani & Bart Price