Our shipping company has advised us that the container of MOJO W2 Wets we currently have in transit has been delayed due to a problem with the ship. This container will now not arrive until after the Lithgow Pro Tour event.
Currently we have about 150 sets of Wets in stock at IKD and theoretically this is more than enough for Lithgow. We did not sell that many wets at Dubbo and it was a very wet event across both practice and racing.
However, we want to make sure everyone who may need wets has them available so we are offering the following solution.
Any orders that IKD receives for wets by 5pm FRIDAY 21st MARCH are guaranteed to be supplied. We will AIR freight tyres if required to satisfy these orders. If you do not order your wets by the deadline, IKD cannot guarantee that wets will be available should you need them at the event.