Applications are now open for Clubs to utilise the funding provided through Karting Australia’s Safety Grants Program and Track Development Fund.

The Karting Australia Safety Grants Program is a program that is designed to assist Clubs that are affiliated with an Ordinary Member of KA and Ordinary Members to improve or enhance the level of safety infrastructure at Race Tracks that are licensed by KA.

A maximum of $150,000 will be made available by KA during 2016 under the Grants Program with the maximum amount of grant funding that will be made available to any single Club or State Association will be $10,000 (excluding GST).

Applications for the 2016 Safety Grants are now open and close on 31 August 2016.

To read more about the Karting Australia Safety Grant program please click here.

The Track/Facilities Development Fund has been established to provide funding assistance to Australian Karting Association Ltd.’s Ordinary Members being the States; and through the States to the Associate Members being the Clubs; assisting them to partner with local stakeholders to improve karting facilities and facilitate increased participation in the sport of karting in Australia.

Applications for funding in 2016 will open for a 3 month period from 1 July through 30 September.

To read more about the Track/Facilities Development Fund please click here.