Registrations for the opening two events available by clicking here

Karting Australia’s national introduction to karting  program for children the SP Tools Junior Sprockets, will return to the track next month in Victoria before heading to other states in the coming months.

After being placed on hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, the program will kick off 2021 at the Oakleigh Go-Kart Racing Club in Melbourne on Tuesday April 13 followed by the Albury-Wodonga Kart Racing Club on Thursday April 15.

Junior Sprockets caters for new comers to the sport aged between 6 and 12 years of age, it provides an opportunity for youngsters to sample the sport in a safe and controlled environment.

More than 200 participants experienced the program in 2019, many of whom have graduated into the racing ranks. Junior Sprockets is the perfect introduction to karting for young children.

Graduates from the Junior Sprockets program continue to find their way on podiums across the Country at all levels of the sport.

“Throughout the past five years we’ve worked hard on continually developing the Junior Sprockets program to be a centre piece in providing the opportunity for youngsters to ‘Get Started in Karting’,” said Karting Australia Chief Executive Officer Kelvin O’Reilly.

“Unfortunately, the program was heavily affected by the COVID restrictions during 2020 but now as those restrictions continue to ease we’re very keen to get the program back on track.”

SP Tools Chief Executive Officer Kevin Davis believes that it is great to see the Junior Sprockets program back on track as karting continues its COVID recovery.

“The Junior Sprockets is a fantastic program. We loved it when is was first launched five years ago  and are proud of the large number of young drivers who’s first karting experience has been through the program,” said Davis.

“It’s great to see it back. It’s one more piece of the Karting Australia COVID recovery program that has been so successful in the last few months.”

Host Clubs for events for the remainder of 2021 will be confirmed in the coming weeks.  Registrations for the opening two events for 2021 are now open, places are limited and you can secure a place in the program by clicking here.

The program is $195 per participant, which includes all safety equipment, gift bag and a free Karting Australia practice licence.

April 13 – Oakleigh, Victoria
April 15 – Albury/Wodonga, Victoria
Further dates and venues TBA