Stars of Karting merchandise available now

The 2012 CIK Stars of Karting Series merchandise range is now available.

There are two styles of shirts available being the ‘Life Happens’ and ‘Retro’ Styles.

The ‘Life Happens’ shirt captures the excitement of kart racing while the ‘Retro’ style is a karting t-shirt that you can wear away from the circuit without standing out.  Along with featuring a retro Stars of Karting logo, the shirt incorporates the championship’s honour role.

The shirts are $25 each (plus $10 postage & handling) other postage/collection arrangements can also be made.  Payment is by cash or electronic transfer.

Email with your order today – stocks are limited.

The 2012 CIK Stars of Karting Series 'Life Happens' shirt

The 2012 CIK Stars of Karting Series 'Retro' Shirt