As the country begins to emerge from restrictions, Karting Australia outlines the State of the States in relation to karting as of Friday May 15, 2020.
As the restrictions begin to ease at different times across the country.
This is a guide based on the State Government Restrictions, Licence Holders should check with their local Club to see if they are open and comply with the COVIDSafe Practice Requirements, or when they expect to be able to be open for their Members. Each Club has different circumstances regarding the use of the facility and complying with the various requirements in this COVID affected world.
New South Wales
The latest Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 2) 2020 was issued this morning.
The changes in relation to sport are minimal. The Order says in part:
“…this order makes changes –
(b) to provide that, in general, persons may participate in gatherings of not more than 10 persons in public places (rather than 2 persons)”’
The Order does not provide any clarity around sport (unlike the Orders that have been made by a most other States.)
Karting Australia New South Wales are currently in regular communication with Sport NSW regarding the issues surrounding groups of 10 in a sport like karting that is conducted on a facility covering several hectares of land.
KANSW is hopeful of receiving further advice following meetings that they have been advised are taking place today between the Office of Sport and other levels of the NSW Government.
The issues for which clarification is being sought affect many different outdoor sports and the advice given is to wait until a clear direction is given by the Government.
As a result KANSW are not planning on their being any karting activity on their affiliated Club’s tracks this weekend. Karting Australia completely endorses this position.
Northern Territory
The Road Map and FAQs from the Northern Territory Government, states that from noon on 15 May 2020, Territorians can participate in non-contact sport and when gathering they must ensure a minimum of 1.5 metres between you and other people that aren’t from your household and reduce the size of gatherings.
The Darwin Karting Association has an Organising Permit in place to co-ordinate a COVID-19 Social Karting Activity on Saturday May 16 2020.
The latest Non-Essential Business, Activity and Undertaking Closure Direction (No. 10) was issued at 10:10pm on 14 May 2020.
Effective from 11:59pm on 15 May 2020, social sporting-based activities are
“limited to 10 people, with no more than one person per 4 square metres and social distancing observed.”
Under the additional requirements for social sporting-based activities it states:
“10 people includes all players, coaches, spectators and any other person that attends the sporting-based activity.”
Several affiliated Clubs in Queensland have Organising Permits in place to co-ordinate COVID-19 Social Karting Activities for their members this weekend with restricted numbers complying with Government Restrictions.
South Australia
The Emergency Management (Non-Essential Business and Other Activities No 4) (COVID-19) Direction 2020 issued on at 10:50am on 15 April 2020 remains in force.
It defines premises as including:
“motor sport facilities and other race tracks (including and form of horse or greyhound racing)”.
It states:
“The conduct of motor sports or other forms of racing (including any form of horse or greyhound racing) is exempt from prohibiting access to consumers or members of the public providing:
(i) no persons are present only as spectators
(ii) the total number of persons participating in the activity does not exceed 10 people; and
(iii) the density requirement (4sqm per person) is complied with.”
Clarification notes that have been released by the SA Police state:
“Restrictions have been put in place that includes having no spectators, and adherence to social distancing and density requirements. Officials, riders and support staff cannot gather in groups greater than 10, albeit there may be more than 10 officials, riders or support staff on site.”
All affiliated Clubs in South Australia have Organising Permits in place to co-ordinate COVID-19 Social Karting Activities for their members this weekend with restricted numbers complying with Government Restrictions.
In Tasmania’s Roadmap to Recovery, it states that from 18 May 2020,
“outdoor social sports are permitted where physical distancing can be maintained for groups of 10 people – this means no training or sport that involves physical contact with people who are not part of your household, such as such as touching, holding, tackling, bumping, wrestling, scrummaging. No spitting or clearing of respiratory secretions is permitted. However, for these physical ‘contact sports’, modified activities, such as skills only/non-contact training are permitted.”
Local government recreational spaces and facilities will be re-opened by local councils as soon as possible from 18 May 2020.
Affiliated Clubs in Tasmania are beginning to gear up to be on track in limited numbers complying with Government Restrictions in the coming weeks.
The latest Restricted Activity Directions (No 7) was issued on 11 May, as of 11:59pm 12 May 2020
Its states:
“…a person who owns, controls or operates an outdoor facility that is used for outdoor sport and recreation may operate that facility for the purposes of outdoor sport and recreation, however must not permit the use of the indoor facilities, other than toilet facilities.
Examples: a golf or tennis club may operate to permit outside golf or tennis although club rooms, indoor sitting areas, change facilities and showers are to remain closed. These facilities can also permit multiple groups of up (to) 10 members of the public per facility.”
Several affiliated Clubs in Victoria have Organising Permits in place to co-ordinate COVID-19 Social Karting Activities for their members this weekend with restricted numbers complying with Government Restrictions.
Western Australia
The most recent COVID Safety Guidelines – Sport and Recreation – Phase 2, Version 1.0 was issued on 18 May 2020
They state:
“Outdoor venues may have up to 20 people per training zone at any one time. Each training zone should allow for 4sqm per person. Maintain social distancing where practicable during the training session.
The spaces between gatherings and groups should ensure that there is suitable distancing to prevent one gathering encroaching on another gatherings area. For example, an AFL football field may be large enough for three separate zones, a rectangular field (eg rugby, soccer or hockey) may be large enough for two zones, whereas a netball or tennis court would only be large enough for one zone. Where there are multiple courts (eg multiple netball courts), we suggest you use every second court.”
Several affiliated Clubs in Western Australia are gearing up to be on track in restricted numbers complying with Government Restrictions next weekend.