“Kids Karting” is a concept program for 5-7 year old children to enter the sport of karting that has been under development by the Australian Karting Association Inc. for some time.
In reviewing the direction of the business and the sport of karting, the Board of the newly formed Australian Karting Association Ltd has considered the current state of development and market readiness of Kids Karting as a program to be released nationally.
The Board is of the view that Kids Karting is an exciting concept but that it requires considerable further development so as to be market ready.
Accordingly we wish to advise the karting community that the release of the Kids Karting program under the auspices and insurance provided by AKA Ltd will be delayed. It is the intention, subject to the suitable resolution of commercial, implementation and intellectual property issues related to the concept, to launch the program during 2014.
“As a new administration for the sport of karting, the Board is not prepared to release any program that is less than completely ready for the market” said AKA CEO Kelvin O’Reilly.
“The work that has been done to date is an excellent foundation for the program but there are many matters that need to be considered, developed and resolved before the program can be released.”
Background – AKA Ltd.
On 1 September 2013, the Australian Karting Association Inc., transitioned from a federated structure to a modern governance model of a Company limited by guarantee. The Australian Karting Association Ltd (AKA) is now fully empowered to control and run the sport of karting in Australia.
A new five person Board (the Board) under the Chair of 5 time World 500cc Motorbike Champion Michael Doohan came into power and a new Chief Executive Officer was appointed. The Board of AKA is currently reviewing fully the needs of the business and the sport so as to provide an enhanced sporting experience for all who wish to participate in karting in Australia.